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3/11/06 "F'n A Cotton"
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Is it a sad day when all that happened was me yelling at Dodgeball?

The song by the way if you didn't know (most off you do) was "I have a date" by The Vandals. Well I bet you are all wondering how yesterday went and who exactly the date was with. Well here it goes.

Her name is Jess, a really awesome girl I met at school. We've been talking for a couple of weeks and I asked her out (sortof). We did the standard dinner and movie. I picked her up at her house and took her to Friday's. Unfortuantly there was no parking so we figured we couldn't even get a table. So we went to Applebees. Had a nice meal and talked. Then we went to the movies. We saw the Pink Panther, it was hilarious. Some seemingly over the top moments that were beyond belief, but it was fun. Afterwards I dropped her off. It was much fun.

That's it take care everyone. HUGS!!!!
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